As we plan ahead for the 2022-2023 school year, applications for Pickens County Virtual Academy will remain open until Friday, Mar 18, 2022.

We will continue to offer PCVA as an option for students in K5 through 12th grade. Our district has been pleased to learn that PCVA has not only served an important safety purpose during the pandemic, but that many families have asked to continue in PCVA for academic reasons as well. Some of our families have found that their children thrive academically in the virtual program. We’ve also found that some of our families and older students have unique circumstances that make virtual learning a good fit.

Enrollment in Pickens County Virtual Academy for the 2022-2023 school year opened on Nov. 29, 2021 and will close on March 18, 2022. Space is limited in PCVA. If you are interested in this option, it is important to apply now so that your student is counted in the available space.

Click here to view the application for PCVA. (This application has been deactivated as the window for applying has closed)

Students not yet enrolled in SDPC must first complete New Student Registration for their assigned school, then apply for Pickens County Virtual Academy using the link above.

Enrollment in PCVA is a year-long commitment for 2022-2023. An FAQ for families interested in enrollment can be found at the program’s website, pcva.pickens.k12.sc.us.

How to enroll in PCVA:

  • Students currently enrolled in the School District of Pickens County can apply for Pickens County Virtual Academy here -  PCVA Application (This application has been deactivated as the window for applying has closed). 

  • Students not yet enrolled in SDPC must first complete New Student Registration for their assigned school, then apply for Pickens County Virtual Academy here -  PCVA Application (This application has been deactivated as the window for applying has closed).


    • High School students interested in enrolling in PCVA courses will need to meet with their school counselor to select courses. You will not be officially enrolled in PCVA until your counselor approves and submits your course requests. This includes both full-time and hybrid PCVA students.

    • The course selection process is happening now at all high schools, please reach out today to schedule a time to discuss your options and guarantee your spot in PCVA.